PHP Code to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
PHP code to convert celsius to Fahrenheit.
In this article, You will learn how to write PHP code to convert celsius to Fahrenheit.
F = (C * 9/5) + 32
F = Fahrenheit
C = celsius
Source Code
// PHP Code to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
$c = 7; // value of the celsius
$f = NULL; // value of the fahrenheit
// It will convert celsius to Fahrenheit
$f = (float)(($c * 9 / 5) + 32);
// It will print the final output
printf($c . " Celsius = " . $f . " Fahrenheit");
7 Celsius = 44.6 Fahrenheit
In this given program, we take an input variable named $c
and its value is 7
to convert this into Fahrenheit.
Then we applied the standard formula of celsius to Fahrenheit conversion then which will return the converted value is 44.6